Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Unit 6- La Casa

Testing for Milestone is almost over. The SLO post-test will be held on May 16th and May 17th.  In addition to reviewing for the SLO, we will continue with our normal scope of study.

Students are in Unit 6.  There will be a vocabulary test on Friday.
Students will be able to describe the house (rooms, size, color)
Students will be able to discuss numbers 0-1000.
Students will be able to discuss sleep, chores, and what they can and cannot do.
Students will give commands and tell what someone is doing using the present progressive.(ing)

Vocabulary for part 1 of unit : http://www.phschool.com/atschool/realidades/pdfs/repaso/L1_Capitulo_6A.pdf

Vocabulary for part 2 of unit

Task Real Estate Agent: Due date: 4/28/16  5/2/2016
Student is a real estate agent in and needs to market properties to Spanish-speaking clients.

  1. Name the Real Estate Company. (Ex-KASA Bienes  )
  2. Create a business card with a link to the online brochure.
  3. Students must market 4 properties in the form of a Prezi, online PowerPoint or Google slide presentation. (If technology is a problem students can do a live presentation to the class and paper brochure.
  4. Each listing should contain a picture of the property, the address, a bulleted list of the rooms, and a 3 sentence description of the property with a command sentence.
  5. Students should record themselves reading the feature property and add the file to the presentation.

Daphne Hernandez is a passionate Spanish teacher,guiding students one lesson at a time through language learning. Si puedes leer esto, dile gracias a su maestro.

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